Mindfulness | Tuesday 21st March 2023
For several years now, every time I set an intention for my practice, I set the intention of finding balance. Because I’ve learned that this is the only sustainable state that allows me to be at peace, enjoy life and properly take care of myself and my community. That may sound selfish and self-centered, but if experience taught me one thing, it’s that you can’t pour from an empty cup. I have way more positive impact around me when I am, myself, in a good place.
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Meditation & Pranayama | Friday 16th April 2021
This new 10-minute meditation and pranayama practice calms the mind and relaxes the body. In this video we explore Kumbhaka, the retention of the breath - whether it is antara kumbhaka (internal retention) or bahya kumbhaka (external retention). Finally, the second part of this video is a guided meditation that works with Anahata chakra, the cardiac plexus chakra.
It's now been a year that the world has slowed down and we have had to adapt to the pandemic...
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Mindfulness | Wednesday 24th March 2021
If yoga taught me anything it's that balance is key. If you take your body for instance: it always adapts to get back to a balance state. It adapts its temperature when climate changes, it adapt its vision when the light varies, it adapts its muscles when it's put through an effort... Adapting is surviving. Some of these changes take place without us consciously making it happen. Some others require focus and first and foremost accepting the idea of change. Adaptation isn't only happenin...
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